Wednesday 25 November 2015

Digital Repositories

Digital Repositories

In this post i'm going to talk about digital repositories. Maybe you don't know what digital repositories are, well, here I'm going to explain you what is it.
Digital repositories are a focus collection of digital objects that can include text, visual material...etc.It has some advantages, for example; it has lot of space, easy accessible, multiple access...But it also have some disadvantages; it's more expensive, because you have to buy the computer, pay the internet...and you can also lose the information stored if you don't take care.When you stored information in your computer or in another electronic object, you know that that information in only yours, so you are the only one that have the power you decide if that information is going to be public or private, this mean that you can decide if your information is going to be on the net or not.Here you have where I found all the information.

Sunday 20 September 2015

Hi, I'm one of the students of the high school Jaime Ferran.When I started with this blog I was with my partner but now i'm the only administrator .I'll post things about computers and maybe about other things, but in special about computers. I wish you like it!

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Technology Presentations

Castor project from margatecnojaime
This is a project we had to do for our technology class, it's about Castor Project

Technology Presentations

Energy crisis by Claudia and Monica from margatecnojaime
This is a project we had to do for our technology class, it's about energy crisis in Spain

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Motion Sensors

Motion sensors are based on the technoligy of infrared or ultrasonic waves to capture real-time movements generated in a given space devices. These sensors are ascribed mainly to secure camera, doors in a warehouse, and malls, etc. These sensors are one of the most recognized and important devices within the electronic security. They active only with the specific mobility of subjects. There are four types:

Active sensors.
Pasive sensors.
Mechanical gyroscope.